Fluorescent Pigment

Specially formulated to colour the pupae of the sterile males that are going to be released which, when illuminated with an ultraviolet source, absorbs that energy and emits it in the form of light during the time that the bulb is in contact. This allows an easy identification in the laboratory between irradiated and wild material.

Data Sheet

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  • Available in rocket red, orange and other colours.


Boxes of 25 kg.


It is recommended to store them in the original packets in a cool and dry place, avoiding direct exposure to sunlight.

Safety Regulations

Keep out of reach of children and inexperienced people. Handle with gloves. Wash the exposed surface with plenty of water.


Susbin S.A. is responsible for the composition of the product until its expiration date.

Susbin S.A. is not responsible for damages of any nature that may derive from a different use of the product.


Safety first. Download the safety data sheet and find out about the details of this product.